We can't wait to meet you.

Please fill in the details below so that we can get in contact with you.

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter your e-mail adress
Contact Details
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Tell us a bit about yourself

Where are you studying and what is your current aspired diploma?

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Please give us some more information about your education

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Do you work apart from your studies?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas semper nisi quis dolor tincidunt, a venenatis libero bibendum. Nulla tristique at lacus vitae rutrum. Nam hendrerit nisl id justo sollicitudin, vel pharetra justo hendrerit.

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Are you able to join our meetings
on thursday 7pm?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas semper nisi quis dolor tincidunt, a venenatis libero bibendum. Nulla tristique at lacus vitae rutrum. Nam hendrerit nisl id justo sollicitudin, vel pharetra justo hendrerit.

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What are your expectations

Tell us how you learned about us and what you want to achieve during
your time @ START BERLIN

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Please submit your CV

Submit your CV and tell us something we won't see there

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Thanks for your interest in START BERLIN

We will check your application and get back to you as soon as possible.
If successfully we will contact your by E-Mail and invite you to a 1:1 call
to get to know each other better.

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