We empower
young minds

The student-led entrepreneurship initiative unlocking opportunities for ambitious students by connecting them with Berlin's vibrant startup and VC ecosystem.

*additional information can go here
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Become a Member & join our Network

Join START Berlin and the START Network and kickstart your entrepreneurial journey with exclusive access to a thriving ecosystem, events, startups, investors and corporates in Berlin and Europe!

Francesco Sieben

Board Member | Partnerships


Our latest START Alumni news
StarTUp Monday
@Hendrik & @Mahir pitched START Berlin at the StarTUp Monday @TU_Berlin
New Members
We welcome 2 new Members @START Berlin. Congratulations Svenja & Jan!
Website Relaunch
@Niklas created a new website for START Berlin, with assistance of @Hendrik, @Francesco and @Nikitas
Q Summit
@Francesco and @Mahir went to Q Summit in Mannheim
Start Summit
@Mahir went to Start Hack,
@Hendrik and @Lorentz helped as Executive Supporters
Cheex Hackaton
Cheex Hackathon took place on xx.xx organized by @Mahir.
@Hendrik competed and got 2nd place.
@Nikitas successfully finished his bachelor and graduated. Congratulations!

Get in contact with brands like

Our powerful alumni



"Joining START Berlin was probably one of the best decisions I could make during my studies kicking off my entrepreneurial journey. Through this incredible student entrepreneurship initiative, I did not only found my closest friends but also secured my first internships and met my amazing co-founders.”

Best Start into your career!

"Through START Berlin I met like minded people and became familiar with the startup ecosystem. I can definitely recommend joining the initiative at the beginning of your professional career!"


Why is START Berlin so awesome?

Bill Gates

Why is START Berlin so awesome?

Hillary Clinton

Why is START Berlin so awesome?

Donald J. Trump

Why is START Berlin so awesome?

Mariah Carey
Team & Departments

Discover START Berlin

Our team is made up of a diverse range of backgrounds. We have 7 nationalities from 6 different universities from berlin with X fields of study. We strive to work like founders, building fast and breaking things. You decide where you want to contribute and help us growing the START Berlin community.
Nikitas Popp
President | Strategy
Lorenz Immendorf
Vice President | Marketing
Mahir Isikli
Board Member | Finance
Francesco Sieben
Board Member | Community
Lara-Selin Avci
Manon Urieta
Christoph Masurek
Hendrik Wirthwein
Niklas Meixner
Kail Patruck